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Save A Dive Kit - Cheap Yet Priceless

A $12.95 Save A Dive Kit can easily be the best $12.95 you will ever spend.

If I can convince you of anything on this website, I hope it is to always carry a Save-A-Dive Kit in your gear bag!

Flight to Vancouver - $495.00

Pre-arranged 2 tank dive charter - $175.00

Rental Equipment for the day - $99.00

Spare mask strap in your Save-a-dive kit when your mask strap breaks - Priceless!

For under lucky $13.00, you can have the essential spares that can make the difference between bubble watching from the surface or experiencing the best dives in British Columbia!

This basic save a dive kit, stored in a water-proof container, includes:

- Heavy duty fin strap which can be adjusted with ease even with gloves on.

- Mask strap that can be used with all masks. Split strap helps mask fit securely and comfortably in place.

- Snorkel Keeper which will fit most snorkels available today.

- Mouthpiece that fits most regulators. Standard size will fit comfortably in your mouth minimizing jaw fatigue.

- a zap strap

- several o-rings for your octopus and regulator

Pick up one from your local dive retailer today, or order a Save a dive kit from my preferred on-line discount scuba retailer, LeisurePro.

The save a dive kit listed above is the bare minimum that every diver should carry.

New dive equipment product - check out these new Dive Equipment labels for your own safety and security of your dive equipment.

Experienced divers generally assemble a more comprehensive dive saving kit, comprised of a waterproof box about the size of a large tackle box which includes the kit listed above, plus a personal selection of all or any of the following:


- watch and/or dive computer strap or velcro band

- spare bulbs for flashlight(s)

- spare batteries for flashlight, dive computer, camera, etc.

- weight belt buckle

- port plugs

- spare LP, HP, and inflator hose

- BC inflator parts and dump valve parts

- duct tape (of course)


- tank o-rings

- flashlight o-rings

- camera housing o-rings

- hose o-rings

- duct tape (yes, again)

First Aid

- small first aid kit

- sunscreen

- lip balm

- Antihistimine

- gravol

- Aspirin

- swimmer's ear drops

- contact lens solution

- cortisone cream

- antiseptic cleaner

- vinegar or other sting remover

- extra medication and list of medication being taken

- CPR mask


- scuba multi-tool and swiss army knife

- hex wrenches

- old dentist instruments (good for digging for o-rings)

- adjustable wrenches

- vise grips

- wire cutters

- teflon tape

- electrical tape

- duct tape

Liquids and lubricants

- Mask defogger

- silicone grease

- zipper wax

- slate and mask cleaner

- BC and wet/dry suit wash

- WD-40

- bottle of booze (for after the dives!)


- extra zap straps

- string and braided nylon rope

- chemical light sticks

- old set of glasses if you wear them or contacts

- extra prescription mask lenses

- neoprene patch kit

- unscented talcum powder (for drysuit seals)

- small sewing kit with strong needles and monofilament thread

- dive tables

- copy of your certification cards/scuba license

- DAN card and local emergency numbers

- $50.00 of the local currency (small bills)

- sharpie

- paint markers

- towel/rags

- extra weights

- pen and pencil

- paper

- matches or lighter

- duct tape (yes it is that handy, but only take one small roll)

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