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Free Scuba Checklist To Help Plan Your Diving Trip

Before You Leave For Your Trip Scuba Checklist

This scuba checklist has been prepared based on the experiences of myself and other visitors to this site. Hopefully it may be of use to you. If you have any suggestions to add, please email them in.

--- Take scuba diving lessons, refresher courses or extra training for the environment you are going to (for example – advanced diving, dry suit diving, deep water diving, wreck diving, etc.)

--- Do your research to find and book your dives with a reputable scuba dive shop or charter operation (Let help you with this!) to ensure the best scuba dives for your trip!

--- Obtain and bring a scuba dive referral letter for any pre-training you did

--- Review and pack all your identification, such as your passport (make sure it’s still valid!) or citizenship cards, birth certificates, scuba dive certification cards, and your scuba dive log book. Make photocopies to carry in your checked luggage just in case

--- Check all your scuba dive equipment and make sure it is all in excellent working order. Obtain scuba dive center servicing if necessary before you leave

--- Get a medical check-up and obtain any immunizations, tetanus shots, hepatitis shots, etc.

--- Buy a ‘Save-a-dive’ kit and ensure it’s packed in your scuba dive bag

--- Prepare a checklist of all your dive equipment, including brief description, make, model and serial numbers if any. Use it to pack and check your bag

--- Mark your equipment with a waterproof paint marker

--- Check, buy or recharge batteries for cameras and flashlights

--- Check/obtain travel insurance, medical insurance, equipment insurance, and scuba dive insurance

--- Contact your scuba dive center(s) to confirm your dive dates, arrival times, scuba equipment rental details, etc.

--- If you are an ‘Air Hog’ like me, ask about using larger scuba air tanks

--- Refresh your under water hand signals

--- Package or wrap your mask and regulator very carefully

--- Begin to pack – very carefully. Last things on first, first things on last

--- Review your scuba checklist again, ensure you have everything

--- Lock your scuba dive bag and ensure you have several copies of the key with you

--- Label your scuba dive bag

--- Prepare for some of the World’s Best Diving in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

--- Travel as light as possible – arrange for scuba dive center rental equipment

Right Before You Dive Scuba Checklist

This scuba checklist has been prepared based on the experiences of myself and other visitors to this site. Hopefully it may be of use to you. If you have any suggestions to add, please email them in.

--- If you are prone to sea-sickness, take an anti-nausea pill

--- Apply sun screen for the boat ride to the dive site and drink fluids to keep hydrated

--- Check all your scuba dive equipment carefully – yours or your rental scuba equipment to ensure it fits, feels comfortable and works properly

--- Use your scuba dive charts to properly plan your dives (and dive your plan!)

--- Meet your buddy if he or she is new. Talk about your strengths and weaknesses and learn theirs. Make sure you can identify them under the water and perform the pre-dive check with each other. If you don’t feel comfortable with your dive buddy, politely ask to change or don’t dive – Be safe!

--- Listen to the pre-dive orientation briefing and follow the rules. Learn about currents and rip tides. Ask questions and plan accordingly

--- Record the initial dive information in your scuba diver log book, such as date, dive name, location, operator and dive master name, etc.

--- Check the dive site location again – note any surroundings, the weather conditions, water movement, direction of the sun, etc.

--- Ensure the Diver Down flag is in location and any ropes or ladders are in the water

--- Ensure all hoses and cables are properly clipped and secured

--- Turn your scuba air tank on fully, keeping the depth gauge away from you, and then back ¼ turn. Check the gauge to ensure the tank is full

--- Use anti-fog spray on your mask or spit and wipe – then rinse. Place your dive mask around your neck so it won’t fall off and carry your scuba dive fins to your entry location before putting them on

--- Complete your final pre-dive checks with your buddy

--- Refresh your hand signals with your dive buddy

--- Hint – if you feel congested scoop a handful of the salt water into your hand and inhale lightly. I learned this in Cozumel and it worked great!

--- Head to the dive platform – scuba mask on, fins on, regulator mouthpiece in, BCD partially inflated, hold cables with one hand, mask and regulator with the other, check to ensure the coast is clear and jump in! If all is well give the thumbs up or hand on top of the head signal

--- Use this scuba checklist to prepare for some of the World’s Best Diving in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

--- Dive your plan, be a good buddy, relax, breathe slow and enjoy.

Please feel free to print out this Scuba Checklist and use it for your dives. Click to Scuba Basics

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