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Dive Destination Site - How & Why?

British Columbia As A Dive Destination Site:

Hello and thank you for visiting this site. My name is Paul and I live near Vancouver, British Columbia.

I am also a PADI certified Open Water and Advanced scuba Diver, and I believe that British Columbia is one of the best places in the world to dive and visit, and is a great dive destination site.

We have teamed up with what we consider excellent British Columbia dive operators, travel agents, divemasters, hotels, resorts, and others to provide you with as much accurate and up-to-date information as possible.

We all love living in British Columbia, and love being on or near the ocean, and this is my story about why I created this website....

For years, I have known something that most people don’t know – that British Columbia has some of the best sites in the world above and below the sea and is a great dive destination site.

And during all this time, I have felt that even though British Columbia repeatedly won awards for being one of the best dive destination sites, we haven’t done a good enough job of telling this to the world.

As I looked through dive magazines and travel magazines, all I saw was the same old tropical island get-aways, but no one appeared to be promoting British Columbia?

I looked at various ways and opportunities to deal with this.

Do I create or buy a travel agency dedicated to scuba dive and adventure holidays in British Columbia?

Do I buy a scuba dive shop, charter operator or dive lodge?

My wife wasn’t thrilled with any of these ideas, and there are lots of great dive related companies out there in British Columbia already, so what do I do?

For about 4 years, I did nothing.

And then one day recently, my wife asked "what's affiliate marketing?”

I had heard of the concept before at an internet marketing course that I took, but I didn’t know very much about it.

So I turned to my good friend, Google, and did some searching.

Wow – there is a ton of information out there. I have never seen so many B.S. get rich quick schemes.

I printed out pages and pages and pages of articles and information.

And I spent hours and hours reading through the piles of information.

Most went directly into the recycle bin as over-hyped junk where the only person getting rich is the one selling the idea, report, e-zine, or marketing program.

But one concept stood out through all the hype.

Two very large, free books that I downloaded and read, both by a fellow Canadian, Ken Evoy, made complete sense to my analytical Chartered Accountant mind.

The books were entitled “The Affiliate Masters Course” and “Make Your Content Presell” and they were both free – no signing up for any program, no promises of getting rich quick, no paying only $9.95 for a limited time only.

Just free for downloading and reading.

So I scrapped all the other information I had printed out and read through these detailed books.

Suddenly, the light went on in my head. If his concept and his program work as he says, maybe I can finally build my diving in BC, dive destination site, website that is!

I Love SBI!

So here it is, you be the judge. I have never created a website in my life.

But I have lot's of ideas, desire and ambition, and I truly want to tell the world about diving in BC.

My goal - to provide as much accurate, useful information as possible, to help other divers plan to visit British Columbia for a scuba diving holiday.

To build a great dive destination site.

As my site grows, and more sincere & dedicated B.C. dive professionals join in with me, the site will grow even more.

If I am able to generate some income along the way, I will be able to grow the site even bigger and even faster.

Soon, hopefully, the word CoolDives will be recognized world-wide as the site to turn to for a British Columbia dive destination site.

If you found this site using a search engine, then perhaps you also will believe that the concept will work?

Please review the site, contribute where you can, and help us grow diving in B.C.

Please support those who have joined as affiliates, and please spread the word about Best Scuba Diving Vacations In British Columbia - for short.

The program, instructions, course, web hosting service, link fix-it program, website-builder template, etc. are all included for one annual price, of $299 US, which in most cases is less than any one of the services it provides.

I encourage anyone that is interested in building a stay-at-home business, or who has a passion or desire to market or sell their product, idea, or service, to look into this dive destination site - affiliate marketing program.

I was sceptical, but everything the program told me would happen, has happened so far. And I (I mean we, the program and I) aren't done yet.

Quotes I received within the first two months include:

"I don't know where you came from but your site sure shows well", and

"I didn't even know British Columbia had good diving until I came across your site. Now I am booked on a flight and looking forward to diving in British Columbia"

If you have any questions about the Site Build It program, how it works, or what to do to become an Affiliate Master, then please don't hesitate to contact us .

Please read my Privacy policy. Your information will not be sold or used for any other purposes.

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