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Eleviv - "To elevate Life" - Exclusively from Xango

Eleviv - an amazing new product from Xango with an exciting new name.

Find out how this new supplement can improve your life and help you enjoy your passions (like scuba diving!?) more.......

For the past few months, a number of very fortunate people were able to sample the newest, category creating, feel better naturally product from Xango, called Formula X51.

And now, X51 has been officially introduced to the general public as Eleviv.

This all-natural product was designed to complement XanGo® Juice in supporting natural vigor, a scientific term that describes a balanced state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Using a powerful patent-pending formula, this exciting new product from Xango provides sustained physical energy, mental acuity and emotional balance.

And the best part is that it does so naturally.

Most people feel great results after within the first week, so give it a try and see how good you can feel again.

Read some Eleviv reviews & testimonials here to see how others have had some amazing results.

How To Buy Eleviv

Many people ask how they can buy Eleviv?

They have read the reviews and wonder how great this supplement may be for them.

You can order a one-week sample pack at the full retail price of $25 USD by clicking here.

However, we recommend trying the product for at least one month, and the 30 day packs are a great deal at $55 USD through a distributor.

To order this size at the best wholesale price,contact the staff at Cooldives who will respond immediately.

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Why Use Eleviv?

Why use Eleviv from Xango?

Simply put, to 'elevate life' and to 'feel great again.'

Today, our lives are faster than ever, filled with constant change, uncertainty and stress.

This often results in a sleep-deprived, stressed, and depressed population which I am sure all of us can relate to - either ourselves or someone we know and care about.

Consumers spend a mind-boggling $80 billion annually to fight fatigue and stress through mood enhancers, sleep aids, energy drinks, coffee, etc.

However, these so-called solutions aren’t solving the problem, they’re compounding the problem.

But now, there is a natural product with no unwanted or unhealthy side effects - thanks once again to Xango.

What is Eleviv?

The supplement is a scientifically studied blend of four proven ingredients precisely formulated to restore your body’s natural balance, helping you feel cheerful, alert, resilient, vigorous and youthful again.

Their unique and exclusive botanical Eleviv ingredients blend of Eurycoma longifolia, citrus peel extract, green tea extract, and pharmaceutical-grade L-Theanine helps to provide the much-needed balance our bodies need and the feelings of well-being we crave.

Even better, it does so without unnecessary caffeine, sugars and other stimulants already so common in our everyday lives.

Once you try it, you also will call it the "feel great supplement."

What Might This Supplement Do For You?

At a recommended dosage of just two capsules a day, the supplement has been shown to:

- Boost energy levels and reduce fatigue*

- Promote vigor through mental and physical stamina*

- Improve coping abilities while stressed*

- Enhance mood and a feeling of well-being*

- Restore concentration and mental alertness*

- Maintain metabolic balance*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Video Q & A?

Video Question #1: How does metabolic balance relate to our well-being?

Video Question #2: Are there medical interactions we should understand?

Video Question #3: What results can most people expect?

Video Question #4: How do XanGo Juice, 3SIXTY5, and the new supplement work together?

Video Question #5: What scientific research has been completed for?

Video Question #6: How does the ingredient combination increase vigor?

Video Question #7: What does your vigor score mean?

Other Questions:

Is this new product really "all-natural"?

Yes. It is a proprietary blend of four ingredients, which are natural extracts from citrus (Citrus sinensis), eurycoma roots (Eurycoma longifolia), and green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis). L-theanine is a naturally-occurring amino acid that is found in green tea leaves. The capsules are vegetarian based and made from chlorophyll.

Green tea is normally caffeinated, is this where the energy boost comes from?

The green tea extract is decaffeinated. Green tea is a tremendous antioxidant (EGCG) along with having other health benefits. Eleviv’s unique four ingredient blend works to enhance metabolic balance and provides you with sustained energy without the side effect of caffeine (crash, jitters, irritability). Essentially, as your metabolic balance is brought back into alignment like when you were younger, you regain the energy of your youth.

Other Questions and Answers (PDF document)

How To Buy?

Eleviv is exclusive to Xango and is sold via a world-wide group of trained and experienced distributors.

However, as it is a brand new product, it is currently only available in North America.

To order the product or to learn how to become a distributor to help others enjoy life as it should be, contact the staff at Cooldives who are proud to be Xango distributors.

We can also show you how you can get your supplements for free, or even earn extra monthly residual income by helping others.

More vigor, more income, and more diving - life as it should be!!

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